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What is Cloud Hosting? A Comparison of Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Hosting

According to David Dunbar, PR Manager of Pro Cloud Hosting, “there are several hosting plans available with the providers consisting of unique features and advantages for the customers. However, these services need to be popularized among the users for better understanding.” These days, users are on the lookout for easy-to-manage, economical and flexible solutions that provide mutually beneficial support and a safe data reserve for creating backup. These are a few factors taken into consideration by customers while deciding on an ideal service provider. Is it true that customers are leaving behind the conventional servers and migrating to cloud servers? Let us have a look at what is cloud hosting and dedicated hosting, as well as the differences between the two, their respective features and benefits.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is a network-based service that aims to fulfill the resource, setup, infrastructure and software applications-related needs of computers. The network on which cloud hosting is based is the World Wide Web, and it delivers the required data to the host party through this network. There are three main services included in Cloud hosting, i.e.:

1. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)

2. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)

3. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

Unlike dedicated hosting, cloud hosting can be executed through multiple servers instead of a single one, and almost all the tasks are performed through a process known as Virtualization; for instance, server security, hardware requirements and load balancing. This results in a website possessing the processing speed and capacity of multiple servers used.

Difference between Cloud Hosting and Dedicated Hosting

Cloud hosting utilizes a number of servers for data and information storage of clients instead of a single one, and has unlimited space for storing it. You can further add space and servers in future if required.

Dedicated hosting, on the other hand, requires you to pay irrespective of how much you utilize it. Even though in cloud servers, you are charged for the resources utilized. There are two types of dedicated servers, i.e.:

1. Managed dedicated server

2. Unmanaged dedicated server

Dedicated hosting is completely different from cloud hosting. Using cloud hosting, you are required to purchase only some part of the server, while in dedicated hosting, you can get an entire server on lease that will only belong to you, thus the name ‘dedicated hosting’. This complete server comes with everything you need for smooth running of your business, including a broad range of functionality, hardware components, software and other required resources. Moreover, you can also customize your server according to your company requirements.

Dealing with online transactions, handling customer queries and complaints are a must if you have or planning to commence: an online retail business, a web-based social network, customer service or an online advertising agency. This calls for a dedicated server to ensure smooth operations of such an online business.

Cloud servers are ideal if you are seeking to launch a large app and want its subject matter to be promoted around the globe. A dedicated server allows you to host multiple applications with added benefits. You can acquire information on both types of hosting and compare the two servers. Some prefer cloud hosting, while others go for dedicated. It is up to you to make the final choice based on your specific business needs and requirements!