January 18, 2025

Sell Your iPhone For Sustainabilitys Sake

3 min read
sell your iphone

If you are thinking about updating your phone before the summer hits then you should have a think about what you are going to do with your old model.  These days we are so used to updating our technological goods that we have a drawer at home full of phones, PlayStations and computer bits and bobs that are simply wasting away.

This may seem like the done thing, but it is now common for people to trade in their old belongings for cold, hard cash. Not only will this benefit you but it will make a difference to the state of our ecosystem.The answer is simple, sell your iPhone

Follow The Leader

Apple is leading way with sustainable, recyclable technology. Apple is the number one smartphone retailer in the world and they believe that they have a responsibility which comes with this title. They have recently announced the project “Apple Renew”, proving that there is life after your battery has died.

Sell Your iPhone For Sustainabilitys Sake

Sell Old iPhones – Do Not Bin

Apple’s slogan “our planet deserves our best thinking” gives iPhone owners a lot to think about. The technology brand says that they feel the same wat about to the environment as they do with their mobile phones.

In recent years apple have created new solar energy projects to reduce their carbon footprint. They have also switched to eco-friendly materials, which means their products and processes are more sustainable.

They are also protecting working forests and have introduced better recycling devices using robots. Apple now uses robots to carefully dismantle old phones. These robots can take apart up to 1.2 million phones a year.

Recycle Your Technology

It is important that you dispose of your tech appropriately. Your old technological goods could be full of toxins that should not be left in a landfill environment.

Chances are if those toxic materials are left to rot in our landfills they could leak into our ecosystem. This could have a damaging effect on our plant and animal life which will impact on our food supply. This means selling an iPhone is the best option for everyone.

Un-eco-related, there are a number of reasons why you should dispose of your tech the right way. If you bin your mobile phone you are leaving your phone at risk and potentially your personal information. If someone gets their hands on your details, then who knows that damage could be done.

Sell Your iPhone For Sustainabilitys Sake

Zombie Buyer: Sell Your iPhone

If you want to do your bit for the planet and make some cash from it, sell your phone to Zombie Buyer. Zombie buyer is a new recycling outlet where you are rewarding for recycling your phone the right way. Unlike other providers, you will get a realistic price for your iPhone.

The saying “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” couldn’t be truer when it comes to iPhone recycling. If you are updating your phone after a year or two you could still get a reasonable price for your iPhone.

Before sending your iPhone away make sure to wipe your devices clean before you exchange your iPhone for cash – it’s better to be safe than to be sorry.

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