March 9, 2025

RightScale Announces Statistics Showing Staggering Growth In Cloud Management

3 min read

The rapid growth in cloud technology has altered the way organizations look to integrate cloud technology in their business model. Primarily, businesses only looked to use cloud discreetly, but now, organizations tend to utilize it for all their critical decisions. For this very reason, RightScale, a leader in the cloud management declared milestones highlighting the importance of cloud management.

Growth in RightScale’s Customer Base

RightScale is believed to be the driving force behind the uprising of cloud management, world over. The company has reported to add 250 companies to its worldwide customer portfolio, just in the 2012. It offers cloud management services to companies like Citrix Online, Equinix, Softbank Technology, Fox Media, Tibco, Caltech and Zurich Insurance.

Broad Set of Cloud Service Providers

RightScale’s users are able to enjoy a broad portfolio that has the support of 15 public and private cloud providers. Its recent collaboration with Rackspace has further strengthened the firm’s position in the cloud management market. Beta customers of RightScale are able to use its technology in managing applications, while the company also has close ties with Amazon Web services that helps the firm to support its wide range of cloud services.

Recognition at the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum recognized RightScale as a technology pioneer for the year 2013, an honor reserved for the most innovative companies of the world.

The Immediate Future of Cloud Computing

IDC research foresees that cloud computing industry will do a business of about $3.6 billion by the year 2016. A large percentage of enterprise IT strategists believe that in order to avail cloud services, they need to acquire management software not already available to them.  As CEO of RightScale, Michell Crandell says, “More forward-thinking companies than ever are embracing the cloud as an enabler for agility and scalability. From improving your time-to-market for delivering new products and services to driving more revenue, RightScale’s cloud management provides a powerful platform to help you meet business goals leveraging new approaches to IT.”

As more and more organizations are inclined towards using cloud, RightScale pinpoints three cloud trends in the future:

1.      Multi-Cloud is the Future

It seems that all enterprises now prefer going for a hybrid cloud solution. The reason is that a multi-cloud enables companies to choose the infrastructure that best suits them. It is forecasted that 2013 will see a further incline towards using hybrid clouds by enterprises.

2.      From Secret to Being Strategic

Initially companies used cloud for only specific projects. However due to improved cloud management services such as those provided by RightScale, companies will be able to control and navigate a wider set of applications all the while, with keeping the costs of cloud under control.

3.      The Middlemen’s Profits

Application producers and promoters will move towards cloud to avail costs benefits. The real benefits of this move will be revealed when ‘middle layer organizations’ move towards cloud to maximize their profits.

RightScale Commute in the Near Future

RightScale is set to organize a commute in 2013 to better educate customers in cloud management techniques. The conference will be held at the Mission Bay Conference Centre in San Francisco from April 23-26. For further details, please visit

About RightScale

RightScale assists corporations in availing cloud services to manage their business functions, and supports about 15 private and public clouds. From 2006 onwards, hundreds of thousands of enterprises have launched their cloud servers with help from RightScale.

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