January 18, 2025

Renovo Launches Cloudfyi – A Cloud Based Financial Reporting Solution

3 min read
Renovo Launches Cloudfyi - A Cloud Based Financial Reporting Solution

Renovo has already established itself in the market by providing financial reporting solutions to some of the top companies of the world and the launch of Cloudfyi is a clear message to all competitors that they want to bring their solutions to the cloud. Renovo already has a huge number of customers who use their on-premise software solutions. The best among their line of software is the Renovofyi, hence the name of the new service is Cloudfyi. It aims to utilize the cloud to relieve companies from building a system to run their reporting solutions. Renovo expects the new service to be a hit and aims to broaden its customer range with new services and features.

Renovo Launches Cloudfyi - A Cloud Based Financial Reporting Solution

Renovo is currently leading in the financial reporting department and this is a well known fact. It has become the world’s first company in the market to launch a financial reporting system on the cloud. This will definitely make it superior and strengthen its position as the undisputed champion. A few representatives of Renovo spoke about the launch and stated that the company always strives to adopt the latest technologies. Given that cloud computing is rising rapidly and almost all big companies want to utilize its power, Renovo could not stay without making an effort to make full use of cloud computing. According to Renovo’s President, cloud computing will be something big in the IT business world and the company knows about this. It forecasts that only the companies that can use the full power of cloud will be able to stay ahead of their competition. As almost anything is possible in the cloud, Renovo seeks advantage by adding new innovative services that their customer will find useful for their business. As a leader in financial reporting solutions, Renovo always tries to provide the best solutions to its customers that nobody else can think of according to the president.

General ledger connection is one of the many important features of Cloudfyi. The main feature is obviously the financial report writer with translation for foreign currencies. The cloud service is very secure and has ISO27001, PCI DSS, SSAE 16 and HIPPA compliance certifications under its belt. This makes it one of the best cloud services of the world, security wise. Data backup services are offered to all clients and are a basic part of the service. So, customers can feel secure at all times as their data can or will be recovered even if the entire system fails.

Renovo has promised that it will listen to customer demands and change the services of Cloudfyi according to demand. They also plan on releasing updates and improvements to the already existing services to make everything better for customers. The interest that Renovo has showed in developing Cloudfyi signals the growth of cloud computing use in IT and Renovo was quick to act upon it.

Considering how good the services provided by Renovo already are, Cloudfyi might eventually become one of the best cloud financial reporting services of the world. It has no competition right now, but competitors may put up a fight and produce something similar in the near future.

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