February 11, 2025

Corelynx’s Architecture Will Now Be Based On OpenStack

3 min read
Corelynx’s Architecture Will Now Be Based On OpenStack

Corelynx Inc., the Indian based cloud solutions provider, is to join OpenStack and implement its open cloud architecture. This was officially announced by Manash Chaudhuri, Director and CEO of Corelynx. This event of enactment was already expected from the vendor, as most of the cloud service and solution providers are inclining towards OpenStack. Corelynx will completely base its architecture and serve accordingly from June onwards.

Besides the fact, the open sources and standards are the requirements of contemporary cloud computing, there were several other reasons why Corelynx stepped into it. These reasons are:

Leverage the Existing Customers:

As Corelynx moves towards an open and commonly used open source cloud computing platform, its customers, specifically the enterprises will benefit from open source and open standards application programming interface (API). Being specific, small and medium businesses can not only be promoted with a wide range of solutions from hundreds of vendors around the world, but also attempt to craft something of their own.

Empower itself:

With this step taken, Corelynx will be able to gain open source communities’ supreme innovation. Moreover, such open standards empower independent software vendors to grow and come up with ground-breaking solutions. Corelynx will take advantage of such partnering vendors and their solutions. Additionally, Corelynx is expected to expand its portfolio with a little research and development on this platform.

Corelynx’s Architecture Will Now Be Based On OpenStack

Eliminate Entry Barriers:

Since rapid shift from on-premises computing to cloud computing is recorded on the highest marks, every cloud service and solution provider is trying its best to accumulate its market share. However, the shifting enterprises have listed open sources and open standards on the top of their priority lists. Considering the same facts, Corelynx has taken the initiative to eliminate the entry barriers for enterprises subscribing for the cloud computing for the first time.

Remove Complexity:

It is a known fact that the OpenStack provides a platform with extremely low complexity level. Its easy to understand and interpret infrastructure, can be positively utilized in setting up new web applications and solutions. Opting for such a platform will help Corelynx in simplifying its architecture and serve the customers in best possible way.

Remove Fragmentation:

A closed source architecture is likely to undertake the stored information in fragments over time. This eventually slows down the processing time along with other inconveniences. Furthermore, the costs for defragmenting this information is fairly high. With OpenStack, the troubles and costs of defragmentation will completely be removed, allowing Corelynx to perform with a higher efficiency.

Sustain Growth in Long-term:

The cloud computing industry has become a multi-billion dollar industry and still has a lot more potential. Considering the profitability in the long run, cloud providers will definitely urge to not only maintain, but elevate their growth rates. As it is obvious that OpenStack will rule among the cloud platforms in the coming few years, cloud providers carrying their architecture on this platform will leverage from its capabilities.

Corelynx Inc., found in 2005, was among the first ones to step in the cloud computing industry. Specializing in commerce solutions online, the brand name is highly acclaimed for developing complex business applications.

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