Cloud Computing World Forum 12-13 June 2012
2 min read
The Cloud Computing World Forum has returned for its fourth annual event.
From the 12th – 13th June Earls Court, London will play host to the biggest cloud computing event and the best place to discover more about this innovative technology.
Over 4,000 top levelĀ delegatesĀ and globally recognised IT specialists will be in attendance. Not only will you be able to receive expert advice to any questions you may have, but this is also the perfect opportunity to develop new business leads through the unique networking programme.
The 150 key speakers and the wide selection of seminars will give you a detailed insight into this rapidly growing enterprise, with no area left untouched. There’s even the chance to snatch up some top of the range technology, with prizes and gifts being provided by sponsors.
The seminars are set to be a fantastic chance to develop your understanding of cloud computing and to socialise with your peers. Every subject will be explained and any queries answered.
Embracing and Empowering the Consumerisation of IT
Wednesday 13th June, 15.20 – 16.00. Vision Theatre
Lead by the Chief Scientist of, JP Rangaswami you will learn how to create a workforce who is both secure and mobile, as well as analysing the advantages and disadvantages of SaaS reliance.
Becoming a Cloud Enabled Business – “Someday all businesses will be built this way.”
Tuesday 12th June, 10.50 – 11.20. Vision Theatre
Andrew Greenway will be teaching you just how valuable implementing cloud solutions can be. He’ll show you how to become a cloud-enabled organisation and how this will transform the impact of your IT.
The Future of the Cloud and Cloud Computing
Wednesday 13th June, 16.20 – 16.50. Strategy Theatre
AppDirect President and CEO, Daniel Saks, WaterAid’s Head of IT & Systems, Peter Heather and Ian McDonald, the Head of Infrastructure and Cloud at News International will be showing you how Cloud Computing is ever advancing in the world of business.
Building for the Private Sector
Wednesday 13th June, 14.40 – 15.00. Develop Theatre.
You’ll discover how to build a shared services model and learn about the cloud’s global influence and the new arising opportunities for emerging SMEs and suppliers.
How the UK’s Largest Media Group Successfully Migrated to Google Apps
Wednesday 13th June, 10.40 – 11.00. Connect Theatre.
Stephen Walker is the IT Director of Trinity Mirror Group. He will be telling the story of how 5,000 plus employees migrated to Gmail and Calendar, telling of the challenges they faced and the results they achieved.
This is only a taste of what is available from the event. With the majority of the seminars free of charge, and a line up of comprehensive speakers there is so much to gain. So don’t miss out on Europe’s highest attended cloud computing event. Click to to find out more and book your place.